What do the sessions consist of?
There are 6 collaborative sessions, with the participation of the person and their family members.
At the first session a test is taken, which allows us to determine the specific type of AD(H)D, and the level of severity.
A questionnaire is provided (to be completed before the session with the help of the mother and father, if necessary), regarding the pregnancy, the birth and the post natal period, which is reviewed and contrasted at the second session.
Prior to the third session a report related to academic background and significant record (a recompilation of traits, symptoms and significant events, recorded over time, in relation to the person), is to be filled in; it will be completed and commented on in this session.
In the fourth session a CEI (conscious exploration of the person’s inner self) is conducted, allowing us to see from a conscious level what are the inner workings of the person, helping to identify the root cause of the lack of attention.
A diagnosis of the cause of AD(H)D is provided at the fifth session, after having compared the test results. Personalized guidelines are then recommended; these make for better management of the condition, and improved performance.
The final session allows us to check on the implementation, and the result of, the suggested guidelines.