Carles Capdevila was a Catalan journalist and a screenwriter with a long career, not only in journalism but also in education with a great impact on the education of children.
In one of his last interviews, where he presents his latest book La vida que aprenc (2017); already with a certain weakness due to the cancer he was suffering from, he transmits to us with great force the essence of life:
We come into this world basically to love us, to look for someone who loves us; to take care of ourselves and look for someone who takes care of us and to learn. […] To live is to come here to learn, to do it as well as you can, to love and take care.
How many times do we focus our life’s goal on developing a professional project, on achieving what is so important, on saving and buying the house of your dreams … forgetting that the main purpose of living is to love. When one loves, gives; when one feels loved, grows.
Capdevila comments in the interview on the need for people to fill their lives. He mentions that one is programmed to do things with the hands, a metaphorical way of saying that we are made to do concrete things. Certainly, man is made to create, to build, to grow; but with a look from within. The basis of this create, build, or grow is from the heart, with love. This is precisely what MAP consists of; in conquering your day to day so that your thinking, speaking and doing are coherent with your inner self.
Otherwise, one is limited to fill it’s life emptily.
And what is to love? Plainly wanting the good, one’s own and other’s. Loving yourself and loving others, caring for yourself and caring for others.
I would like to end this reflection with a quote from Carles Capdevila, that summarize his success in his passage through this life:
Carles Capdevila was a Catalan journalist and a screenwriter with a long career, not only in journalism but also in education with a great impact on the education of children.
In one of his last interviews, where he presents his latest book La vida que aprenc (2017); already with a certain weakness due to the cancer he was suffering from, he transmits to us with great force the essence of life:
We come into this world basically to love us, to look for someone who loves us; to take care of ourselves and look for someone who takes care of us and to learn. […] To live is to come here to learn, to do it as well as you can, to love and take care.
How many times do we focus our life’s goal on developing a professional project, on achieving what is so important, on saving and buying the house of your dreams … forgetting that the main purpose of living is to love. When one loves, gives; when one feels loved, grows.
Capdevila comments in the interview on the need for people to fill their lives. He mentions that one is programmed to do things with the hands, a metaphorical way of saying that we are made to do concrete things. Certainly, man is made to create, to build, to grow; but with a look from within. The basis of this create, build, or grow is from the heart, with love. This is precisely what MAP consists of; in conquering your day to day so that your thinking, speaking and doing are coherent with your inner self.
Otherwise, one is limited to fill it’s life emptily.
And what is to love? Plainly wanting the good, one’s own and other’s. Loving yourself and loving others, caring for yourself and caring for others.
I would like to end this reflection with a quote from Carles Capdevila, that summarize his success in his passage through this life:
When you write from the heart, you reach people’s hearts. When you write from the mind, you get into people’s minds.